The Whole Sunflower: Delicious Right Down to the Stem
"The cooking process for sunflower seeds is slightly different from that of artichokes, and the result is a unique vegetable with the consistency of an artichoke and a powerful sunflower flavor."— Alana Bergo Did you know that sunflower seeds aren’t the
Dryland Farming: Strategies to Reduce Heat Stress in Crops and Livestock
When I spent a month in Guatemala in the early 1990s, I realized that the concept of plant guilds was well-known not only in the Sonoran Desert, where I came from, but also in the warmer tropical regions of Central
Eliot Coleman’s Guide to Perfect Compost
Compost is key to a lush, copious garden. Do you know how to turn kitchen scraps and garden waste into perfumed, crumbly plant food? If not, your garden is losing a lot and You you are missing out on one of
How to Preserve Tomato Seeds
As your favorite homegrown tomatoes begin to ripen on the vine this summer, be sure to save those seeds for planting next year. It takes a little care to get the seeds out of the gelatinous tomato goo they're suspended
How to Buy Pruning Tools
Summer is when plants are most lively, and that means you need to be aware of their branches not affecting other plants or your space. To that end, having pruning tools on hand is very significant.But Do you know which
Red Acacia: Learn All About This Lovely and Majestic Tree
Red acacia is a tree very attractive because of the color of the flowers. It is engaging to learn more about the red acacia. For this reason, if you want to learn more, read on to learn about its characteristics
Acacia salicina: Learn more about this highly toxic shrub
Salicina acacia is also known as the native willow or weeping willow. However, we are dealing with a genus acacia salicin. So let's take a look at some fascinating aspects of this plant.However, something that defines Acacia salicina is its
Dilly Beans: Voted “Best Snack of All Time”
For lovers of fermented foods, Welcome to the wonderful world of green beans. There’s nothing better than dilly beans. Whether they’re next to a plate of cheese and crackers, on a sandwich, or straight from the jar in the middle of
Acacia albida: Everything You Need to Know About This Evergreen Tree
Acacia albida is an captivating and immense plant. It also presents captivating features that distinguish it and differentiate it from other acacia species. One of its characteristic features is that it does not belong to the genus Acacia.In this sense,
Cryptocoryne wendtii: what is the plant and what care does it need?
If you like aquatic plants, you may know some. On this occasion, We want to show you Cryptocoryne wendtii, a plant intended for freshwater aquariums.It is perfect for beginners or those who want something that is quite sturdy and adaptable