Happy Urban Dirt

Wall garden design tips and ideas

source: Casasafe

Are you one of those who see the wall of your garden and come up with thousands of ideas for filling it with plants? Or maybe you ran out of space in your garden to place more plants and you just can’t resist? Maybe we can support you design wall gardens?

We will then give you the steps you should take and some ideas on how to design wall gardens in an simple, eco-friendly way that won’t cost you a lot of money. Shall we start?

Wall garden design steps

vertical garden Fuente_tudecora


Wall gardens are one of the most fashionable ways of decoration. In fact, not only can they be used outdoors, but you can also have them indoors. Of course, you have to take care of them differently and certainly choose different types of plants, but in general it won’t be too complicated.

Nowadays, designing this type of garden is not simple. Not tough. If you remember a few significant things, you will cope with it without any problems. Let us tell you what they are?

Take into account the available space

Vertical gardens must have a surface that you can look at. Whether you operate bricks and create a kind of shelf; or you want to buy a garden bag to put your plants in your pockets, in all cases you need a wall to support it.

And they are not always available. Therefore, you need to make sure that the space available is actually the space that this wall garden will occupy. Otherwise, it won’t look good and you may not even be able to operate it.

Be careful with the location

Location is another of the most significant points when designing wall gardens, as some plants may or may not be there. Remember that where you have space available, there may not be room to place plants. Maybe it’s because there’s no sun, it’s very windy, there’s too much sun, because it’s a transit area…

There are many factors, and location is one of the most significant, not only in terms of plants, but also on a decorative level.

prepare the wall

What is the condition of the wall? Is it okay or, on the contrary, is it broken? When you are going to place your vertical garden on a wall, you need to make sure that the wall is suitable. Meaning:

This will support the weight of the garden and plants well.

It is not soiled or contains fungi or bacteria that may affect the health of plants.

Checking this before taking any action will support you avoid an accident, both during and after driving.

Be careful with watering

be careful with watering

If you have a wall garden, irrigation should be carried out this way (You won’t be able to remove every plant, water it and put it away).

This means that water will fall onto the wall and there may be damp or structural problems if it has not been protected in advance.

Consider plants and their care

Every plant is different, and while many are cared for in the same way, others have characteristics that, if ignored, could end their life.

Therefore, when designing wall gardens, you should take into account the types of plants you want to put in this garden to know whether they are the most suitable or not.

Our recommendation is to group plants by care. For example, if you have plants that require a lot of sun, some shade, some a lot of water, and some a little, group them and place them in a vertical garden so that you can develop different care guidelines for each of them. these plants. Let’s assume that one line of these plants is watered twice a week, the second line once a week, and the third line four times a week.

Furthermore, an outdoor wall garden is not the same as an indoor garden.

wall garden type

Choosing a wall garden to build may seem simple, but sometimes it isn’t. And it’s not because sometimes it’s challenging to decide on just one, or because you don’t like any of them.

The design or style of these wall gardens, once designed, can vary and adapt to what you are looking for, but sometimes it is much more steep and not for every budget.

How about we leave you with some wall garden ideas?

Ecological wall gardens

More than ecological, using elements that we have at home and which we will no longer operate. If they can be recycled, it will support the environment.

Example? Plastic bottles and even containers that are thrown away after being removed. Instead of making (or recycling) them, you can give them a second life, for example, operate them as flower pots or flower pots and then hang them on the wall, perhaps giving them a shape or pattern that will make them look captivating.

And whoever talks about bottles or containers can also talk about glass jars, yogurt cups… Basically anything that allows you to plant and care for this plant will be fine.

Hanging Gardens

beautiful-vertical-garden Fuente_Decoora


In this case, with Tillandsias (you already know that these are plants that do not need soil and live in the air), you could create something like a curtain in which these plants were mounted, so that the whole thing would look like a cascade of plants.

And before you ask us, know that yes, these plants bloom with a bit of luck (are a bit complicated to achieve). If this happens, you will see that the series is one of the best.)

Pallet gardens

Another option, which is usually cheaper, is to design wall gardens from pallets. They can be hung or leaned on the wall to become shelves. Moreover, you can paint them in the colors you like best and treat them to withstand unfavorable weather conditions.

In fact, many of them can be turned into planters, like a vegetable garden, and when combined with ornamental plants they can look quite nice.

As you can see, designing wall gardens is not tough, you just need to think about how to improve your garden by redesigning it with what you have or with very little investment. Can you think of something else?

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